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The Watchers

Come & See 

Is a series of polyptychs and installations based around the art of scrying, spirituality, and the ultimate reality. Scrying is about revealing the unseen through our natural ability of second sight. Second sight is our capacity to see things that can't usually be perceived through our five senses. The art of scrying is interpreting what you see in the images and colors as they take form. These images are brought up by one's own unconscious as your soul chooses things you have a prior relationship with to communicate keys to guide you.

   Ultimate reality is something that is the supreme, final, and fundamental power in all reality. It is defined in 3 ways: as a personal and loving God, as an origin and target of all personal beings, and as an eternal truth or principle that governs the universe. Our spiritual nature is connected with the ultimate reality of the universe and each religion acknowledges an ultimate reality that is eternal and unchanging. I am interested in how different faiths and spiritualities have their own spheres of revelation/salvation and realms in which deities thrive. I aim to postulate the existence of an ultimate, transcendental, spiritual reality where all spiritualities thrive as independent manifestations connecting to the same ultimate reality. 

  Through the use of various steamed mirrors, I explore symbolism and space by placing objects related to various spiritual themes on the mirrors. I then paint the composition and images created by the steam, creating individual panels that reveal context related to the various spiritual subjects. When these paintings are placed together they become representative of revealing the unseen ultimate reality.


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The watchers will be an installation piece. More pics to come when it is presented. 

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